Apr 18, 2007 18:48

1. did a map thingy, nikki and mike kept throwing my books on the ground.

2. not much

3. Bio, got new seats! It was pretty fun except i have 33 vocab words for H/W

4. Talked to hannah and made sentences

lunch. "what would you do if you got drunk and lost your virginity to a guy" - hannah. Ummmm!?!?!?! I forgot my I.D so i couldent get lunch

5. Easy lesson in SAGMANS

6. went to the library and talked to frank, anna, liz, cassey and merideth... Fun, except for the MLA format refrences

after school, I have lots of H/W. I rode my bike up to the fiar and saw what they had... IT WILL BE FUN!!!
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