So there’s
this unanswered question floating around out there: just how far can I bike in 24 hours anyway?
Well, honestly I still don’t know. Due to a combination of factors I didn’t put on my best show that Labour Day weekend. I think I can do better.
A new lower bound has been established! 403km.
Under the cut is just a recap of my tweets from the journey, so if you were following on
Twitter there’s nothing particularly new here.
But if not,
here are the photos:
(As reposted from Twitter.)
- I know you can’t see it because of the dirty faceplate but that clock totally reads 6:05.
- And we’re off! Highways 1 and 2, Calgary. [T+0, D+0]
- Windsurfing on Lake Chestermere [D+18, T+1:22]
- Per the AMA Odometer Test Section, mine is underreporting by ~1.5%. Will have to add a few km at the end. [T+2:08, D+40]
- Yes I know that’s how they SPELL it, but it’s pronounced “dinner.” Strathmore, AB. [D+48, T+2:35]
- Flat tyre. F. There goes half an hour. [D+99, T+5:14] #F
- The junction at AB 56: 1/4 the way to Consul. [D+117, T+6:25]
- A 24h gas station AND picnic tables? Bassano, I love you. #simplePleasures [D+136, T+7:10]
- Second flat tyre. Double F. There go both my spares - from here on its the patch kit. This road sucks. >:-( [D+161, T+8:22] #F
- The stars out here are INCREDIBLE. I also need a better camera though, sorry... :-/ [D+172, T+9:22] #stars
- Brooks, AB, in which all those hotels are looking Mighty Tempting (TM). [D+182, T+9:52]
- Instead, coffee is the order of the day/night. And lots and lots and lots of it. [D+182, T+9:52]
- Things that are uncommon: it’s been over 10 mins since I last saw a vehicle. On the Trans-Canada. In Alberta. [D+199, T+11:22]
- 12 hrs down and I’m at 217km. What with the flat tyres and all, I’m reasonably happy with that. [D+217, T+12:00]
- A Suffield sunrise halfway to Consul. [D+234, T+12:41]
- Third flat. In the middle of a mosquito colony so I spent 40min being a buffet. GRAAH! [D+245, T+13:00]
- (Admittedly this one may be my fault. Didn’t do the best job of removing all the pointy bits from the tyre after the last one...)
- Cypress Hills Ahoy! [D+268, T+14:29]
- “All Hell for a basement” (Top priorities: spare tubes and bug spray...) [D+289, T+15:21]
- But even higher priority: food, water and a bit of a rest. Feeling a bit light-headed. Probably a touch of dehydration...
- ...but we’ll see how I feel after the aforementioned. If it doesn’t clear up, I may stop this here...
- ...(I’m crazy but not (that) stupid.) So we’ll see after an hour or two.
- After a 3 1/2 hr break in The Hat, felt better, so pressing on to Maple Creek. But v. cautiously, taking it slow & easy, drinking lots, etc.
- *Nod* I think I can handle that. [D+332, T+19:59]
- Gas Station Kitty!! Walsh, AB. [D+345, T+20:29]
- A wild Saskatchewan appears! Etc. [D+349, T+21:21]
- Pretty clouds at Km.351; three quarters the way to Consul. [D+351, T+21:27]
- Beautiful Downtown Maple Creek, SK. [D+397, T+23:56]
- And I think I’m gonna declare right here. 397 + that 1.5% = 403km. A new lower bound established!
- And now, still not feeling so hot. The lightheadedness came back, etc. so will get a ride the last 70km into Consul.
Like so: