It's hard to dance with the devil on your back / So shake him off

Jun 20, 2012 02:42

The Millarville Farmer's Market is Alberta's oldest and second-largest farmer's market. They marked the opening of their 30th season with the inaugural
Run to the Farmer's Market half marathon last Saturday.

A friend (who was running in the race) convinced me to sign up.

The only catch being that Millarville is 50km outside of Calgary.

So I biked out, ran the half-marathon, then biked back to town.

Well ok, so I actually biked out after work the night before.
  • A nice evening over the Glenmore reservoir

  • Little boxes made of ticky-tacky...

I got in pretty late to my friend's place (who lives near the start line in Turner Valley), stayed overnight then woke up stupidly early and ran the race. [I had meant to add pics here, but as I write this, the race photos
still aren't online, so shrug. I may post followup pics later if there are any worthy of same.]

It was a nice course, though. Very rural. I posted my best time... which doesn't say much because I don't normally do half-marathons. In fact I've only previously run one, and I was sick that day. But I beat my split (i.e.: the time it took me to do the first half) from the Calgary Marathon last month by 20 minutes. So I'll take it.
  • The race ended at the Millarville farmer's market. Funny thing that.

    I've been meaning to check out the market for years and years, but this was the first time I made it out. Saw lots I wanted to grab, but y'know, biking back. There was a cheese-making kit that had my number, though.

  • Then barely an hour after I crossed the finish line, it was time to get on the bike and head home.

  • Great gray owl.

  • Buffalax. I mean: buffalo. I mean: bison.

  • Country:

  • City:

  • Then after getting back, feeding the cats and having a quick shower, it was time to go out and play D&D. With chocolate. And knitting. AT THE SAME TIME, BITCHEZ.

And in other news, changes are... afoot at work. I may be moving to Ontario for a while? Or maybe not? It's a mystery!

gaming, millarville, wildlife, pictures, running, 21point1, biking

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