Oct 16, 2004 00:43
OKKKAY so everybody has posdted [posted a live journale driunken state thingy. SO i think that iwill and join the club. Oka y,m so i tried to join the secntury centuryh club tonightg anda i tyreid mny berst buty it clearlyu wasn't good enoug h. i only got to 40- shots before i couldn't do any mopre,. I;nm as red as a fuicking a[pple right now, and tupying u[p this livejoruanl entry 9is im-=fiucking-possible so i thnk im just going to cut it shtoet,. shrot,. short. i fdid 4-0 shots and as yuou can probably tell im fucking smaehsehd out of my brain. i don't thin kill ever be able to do this stupid thing ever agian becaiuse its destroy ing m,y bofy body. Alright please feel free tok post to me on this thing and make fujn o f me because im stupid and i don't really care and i probaly desaerve to be made fun of. oh lord kill me now, this is very very veryg evry difificuilyt. ghooiodbyuer for now and im drujjkn. hahahahhaah this is funny. bye now. byue. good nitgh., byue