just_muse_me | 5.3.4.

Oct 20, 2008 19:40

5.3.4. He hesitated and put the...

Co-written with notskywalker

Luke thumbed through a series of new advertisements for The Bondi on the clipboard in front of him. He scratched the back of his head and then scrunched his nose up before finally glancing up at his friend and marketer, Aiden Lewis. “I’m not sure I’m buying the red and yellow stripes around the pictures,” he said, looking back to the glossy samples again. “Seriously, if people don’t know that a lifesaving flag is red and yellow, how are they going to link this beyond it just looking like a Maccas theme?”

“I know,” Aiden said with a shake of his head. He gestured to the sample with his beer bottle. “I told them you wouldn’t be in to the bright symbolic showy shit like that, but the graphic designer with too much acne for his own good insisted this is the latest trend and that you’d ‘adore it’. How the bastard got his college degree, I’ll never know. That’s a shell in the corner, by the way. Not a symbolic phallus.”

Luke turned the clipboard to the side to try and make better sense of it. He snorted, seeing more penis than anything else. “I don’t want trendy and showy. I want eye-catching but with a focus on the music. I bloody well don’t want this bloke’s Budgie Smugglers linked to my bar! Someone needs to show him the direction to the nearest waxing salon. That’s just nasty.” He handed the clipboard back to Aiden. “I can’t sign off on these. It’s not what I want.”

“Hallelujah!” Aiden declared and took the clipboard back. He started to annotate the margins with Luke’s feedback. “If you chose to go with these, I would’ve been forced to bound and gag you and inflict extreme amounts of pain on your person.” He handed the next set of samples to Luke.

Luke leafed through the new sheets and nodded. “Now, this is more like it. There was no trouble getting them to add Tab and her band to the monthly Manhattan gig guide ad?” he queried, nodding again in approval at the artwork.

“Nope,” Aiden confirmed with a shake of his head. “And now I know what I’m supposed to be promoting there, my job is a breeze. The band doesn’t happen to need a publicist does it? I know this really hot guy with great orals skills…” He smirked and then sipped on his beer.

Luke sniggered. “Actually, she has an album coming out which I assume will need promoting. I’ll give her your card. You better hold on to your balls, though. She’s a handful.” He pointed to a page with a series of complimentary adverts. “These are my first choice.”

“Don’t you mean you’re her handful?” Aiden joked and handed Luke a pen to sign off on the samples. “Speaking of, I wanted to ask you something…”

“Mmm?” Luke murmured in question as he set to initially the adverts he wanted to go with. “Spelling error in the lifestyle mag one. I’ll circle it.”

Aiden set his beer down and gestured to the stage. “The guy nailing the Aretha number on Friday night. Do you know who he is?” he asked.

Luke looked up, eyebrows raised. He hesitated and put the pen down on top of the clipboard. “Why? You think he’s honing in on my girlfriend’s territory?” he said warily.

“No,” Aiden laughed. “I think he’s in a league of his own.”

“Were you one of the arse pinchers?” Luke asked suspiciously. Riley had mentioned in passing the likelihood Patrick was heading home with a bruised arse that night. He’d definitely been appealing to the gay crowd of the night… and here now seemed to be more evidence of that fact.

Aiden quirked his eyebrow. “What? No. I admired from afar. Your girlfriend, the Scot… both brimming with boundless talent and I’d loved to get my claws into them marketing-wise, but not my type, if you get my drift.”

Luke smirked, sitting back and folding his arms. “Are you going to hit me up for his number?” he guessed.

“Well, I thought I might,” Aiden sniggered and went back this beer. “All assuming you know him. Do you?”

“I might,” Luke said with an evasive smugness. He wet his lips with a smirk. “Get me a discount on those adverts and I’ll see what I can do.”

Aiden pointed at his friend, though he was sniggering. “You drive a hard bargain, Jackson.” He held out his hand for Luke to shake. “But you’re on.”

All muses referenced are with mun permission

Word Count | 755

[comm] just_muse_me, [with] notskywalker, [co-written] notskywalker

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