muses_w_remotes | 8.12. Twilight quote

Dec 22, 2008 08:04

8.12. "You know, your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash."
| Twilight

Co-written with doctortara & drcampbell

[Follows THIS]

Tara jumped with a squeak when the door to Aiden’s study opened and he appeared from within. “Wait, wait!” she shrieked. “Don’t come any further! The floor is wet. I didn’t know you were in there!” She was standing in the middle of the living area with a mop and bucket, her hair tied up in a messy ponytail on the top of her head. The sofa was loaded with piles of freshly cleaned and dried laundry, cleaning products, feather dusters, cloths and more lined the coffee table. She was adorned in one of Lachlan’s rock t-shirts and a pair of his track pants with a pink frilly apron wrapped around her pregnant belly which had a dust pan and bottle of furniture polish in the front pocket.

Aiden paused and held up his hand. “Okay!” he agreed, worried she might start to clean him if he stood still too long. “Are you… okay there, love?” he asked hesitantly, remaining safely in the doorway of his office.

“Oh yeah,” Tara confirmed with a smile and pushed some loose strands of her off her sweaty forehead. “I just thought I would clean up a wee bit. Not that it was messy or anything. It’s a very lovely apartment. Just tidying a few things up.”

Aiden’s eyebrows were raised as he surveyed the piles of laundry. “Is that all the spare sheets and towels from the linen press? They were clean…”

Tara looked to the piles and nodded. “Yep, they were, but I just gave them a wee freshen up. You boys are going to be on your own tomorrow. No reason why I can’t leave you with everything all in order. Speaking of, I rearranged your kitchen cupboards. All the things Pat might need on his own are now on lower down shelves and the things you don’t use as much are up higher. I threw out anything that was out of date and all the cans are in alphabetical order and arranged in order of tallest to smallest.” She paused and took a breath. “I also took everything out and washed all your cupboards out just to gift them a bit of a freshen up, too. Oh! And I cleaned the main bathroom. I’ll do your en suite as soon as Pat is awake and your TV is dusted.” She flashed him a smile and went back to enthusiastically mopping the floor around the coffee table.

Aiden gaped at her. “You’re not high, are you?” he asked in surprise.

Tara laughed and then smirked at him. “Of course not. I’m pregnant. I couldn’t go back to Princeton without making sure you two were all set. Lachie would have to strap me down to make sure I didn’t come running back here to babysit you. We’re going to go shopping this afternoon so you’re all stocked up for when we leave, so if you need anything, add it to the list on the fridge. That’s in alphabetical order, too.”

Aiden went to say something, but no words came. Instead, he just continued to gape at the cleaning hurricane in his living room that was Mrs Tara Campbell.

Lachlan appeared then amidst a wide yawn that nearly caused him to fall arse over Tara’s bucket and mop. He caught himself with a string of muttered expletives and then smirked at Aiden. “Ignore her for the moment, buddy. She’s nesting. Dinnae try to strop it. She’ll take your hand off.”

“Nesting?” Aiden asked in bewilderment.

Tara gave Lachlan a nudge and then caught his mouth in a kiss. She flicked the end of his nose with her fingertip and moved on to dusting under the sofa. “I’m not nesting. I have six weeks yet. You’ll know when I’m nesting.”

“Practicing then,” Lachlan offered with a shrug. “Some mums-to-be will have a period of cleaning and organising things at home before they have the bairn. It’s just a natural emotional preparation thing. Some do it, some dinnae. And nayone said anything about a timeframe. If this isnae nesting, I dinnae know what is…” He glanced at Aiden. “Shame she cannae focus this energy on, say, sex,” he added and took a safe step away from his wife’s and/or poking distance.

It seemed he didn’t need to be in reaching distance, though. Tara had sharp aim and she caught her husband right in the face with a sloppy, wet Chux from where she was knelt on the floor. “You have a hand, sweetie pie,” she said with a not-so-sweet smile. “Two, even. Or you could hump the very clean, polished doorknob if that is more to your taste.” She pulled out a stray pair of boxers from under the sofa and held them up for Aiden. “Are these yours or Pat’s?”

“Oh hell…” Aiden murmured sheepishly and held his hand out. “They’re mine.”

Lachlan sniggered at this and picked up one of the candy canes from the bowl by the TV, peeling it open. “Looks like you’re getting more than I am,” he noted with a hint of envy as the end of the candy cane was unceremoniously shoved in his mouth.

Tara pointed when she slowly pulled herself back up off the ground, a hand bracing on her back which was starting to ache again. “That could be a very interesting and festive phallus, beautiful,” she teased, eyes on the lolly in her husband’s mouth. Her sex drive might have gone down the toilet but that didn’t mean she didn’t still appreciate the perfection that was her husband’s lips. She came over to Aiden with the underwear but before she placed it in his hand, she met his eyes with a frown. “You’ve been crying. Are you okay, sweetheart?”

Lachlan looked up in concern. “Something happened, buddy?”

Aiden took the underwear and hastily shoved them in his pocket. He shook his head. “No, not really,” he assured them. “I’m okay. Just tiredness catching up with me.” He knew there was generally nothing passing Lachlan and Tara. The couple seemed to have an inbuilt radar in them when someone they cared about was hurting.

Tara glanced at Lachlan and wet her lips. She slipped her arm around Aiden’s waist and gave him a squeezing hug with a kiss on the cheek. “You have a cry whenever you want, sweetheart. It helps. I promise it does. You know you can talk to either of us if it gets too much, right?” she asked, searching his eyes.

Lachlan nodded in agreement, perching himself on the arm of the sofa. “Aye, any time. It doesnae matter when. And think about it, if you get into a snotty wet mess, Tara will wipe you up with a Chux and her feather duster,” he added with a smirk. “You dinnae stand still too long around her, mind. You might find a mop over your arse.”

Aiden couldn’t help but laugh. He was going to miss them when they went back to Princeton in the morning but at least Christmas was only a few days away. “Thanks, guys,” he murmured and returned Tara’s kiss on the cheek. “I couldn’t have gotten this far without you. It’s a miracle I can even open my mouth without bursting into tears a lot of the time and you’re the ones I need to thank for that. You stopped me freaking out with every little thing.”

“It will get easier, buddy,” Lachlan promised. “He will get better. It will just take some time. If it’s any consolation, I think you were the only one who should be nursing him this time around. It would have been disastrous if he had pushed you away.”

Aiden sighed. “Tell me about it. I know this is all painful and stressful, but I also know it would have broken my heart if I had to stand back and let him go. But I couldn’t have done any of it without you.”

Tara put her hand over her mouth with a sob. “Oh god. I’m sorry. It’s the pregnant thing, sorry!” She waved her hand in front of her face and tried to blink the tears back.

“You’ll set me off again,” Aiden warned, looking around for some tissues.

“Chux?” Lachlan offered innocently, holding the cloth up and going back to his candy cane with a shrug.

Patrick Preston [sexyinscrubs] referenced with permission

Word Count | 1,387

[co-written] doctortara, [ship] aiden/pat, [with]doctortara, [plot] love versus illness, [comm] muses_w_remotes, [with] drcampbell, [co-written] drcampbell

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