muse_shuffle | November Disc Two

Nov 24, 2008 18:46

Track 04. He had a picture of you // In his head before you met // And all of this is true // When you're as pretty as you
(The Whitlams - 'Pretty As You')

[Relates to all RP HERE]

There was a knocking that was only just filtering into Aiden’s waking brain. He cracked one eye open as he was dragged from a deep sleep and found himself spooned securely up behind a very naked Pat. That was when he realised he was just as a naked and they had spent the morning making love together for the first time. Pat had surprised him, producing a bottle of Viagra after they shared a morning shower together. It had been everything Aiden had anticipated and more, now leaving him wondering if they were even going to bother leaving their suite at all for the duration of the stay.

The fucking knocking persisted, and Aiden groaned. “You’wake?” he whispered softly, not wanting to actually disturb Pat’s slumber if he wasn’t. The only answer he received was even, soft breaths and Aiden had to reluctantly peel himself away from Pat’s warm body. The knocking continued even through the longer moments it took Aiden to climb out of the bed without jolting it too much. The clock said it was 1.34pm and Aiden yawned softly as he grabbed up a towel from where it was hanging over the arm chair and wrapped it around his waist so he didn’t answer the door naked. He didn’t know the bunch well enough to be scarring them with a flash of his birthday suit.

He unlatched the chain and tried to smooth his hair into anything that didn’t immediately scream ‘POST COITAL’ and opened the door with a raise of his eyebrow, ready to snipe at whoever it was who had ignored the Do Not Disturb sign swinging on the door knob. He wished he could say the visitor was unfamiliar, but he was more familiar than Aiden wished to admit. The eyes, the hair colour, the smile that eventually came…

Holy. SHIT.

“Hey,” the guy greeted him with an also very familiar smirk and very familiar accent. “I’m Cameron. Otherwise known as the Other Preston Twin. You must be the one and only Aiden. I thought it was about time we met.”

Aiden’s ears began to ring and he felt a little like someone had just tipped the room at an angle. Of course, it was at this point that Pat himself appeared around the corner wrapped in the bed sheet, every single thing about him screaming ‘POST COITAL’.

Well, this was as awkward as all fuck. Where was a strategically placed ficus or big black hole in the floor when you needed one?

sexyinscrubs used with permission

Word Count | 419

[ship] aiden/pat, [with] sexyinscrubs, [plot] mexico, [comm] muse_shuffle

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