So, there's this Superhero meme going around, and R K Milholland at
Something Positive is running a series of "SuperStupor" strips, and... I guess there must be something in the air.
I woke up with superheroes in my head. Bubbles is bouncy and blond, and she giggles every time she projects one or more spherical force fields. Her telepathic power manifests itself as an ability to hear any vocalization or sub-vocalization from any person or group she's focused on, regardless of where they are. Anyone in the area of her focus experiences Bubble's response as though they were hearing her voice, though a tape recorder doesn't pick up any sound.
Her sister is the inevitable girl (she doesn't use capital letters to write her name), who is essentially unnoticed by everyone all the time.
Their mother, Hovering Hazel, has to concentrate to stay *on* the ground, otherwise, she tends to bob around on the ceiling or drift off into the sky, and she carries anyone she's talking to along with her as she floats away.
There is also the Male Who Has Incredible Powers Because He's From Far Away, and The Wimp, who's body can be shaped into any form by a sufficient application of external force.
So, what superheroes are floating around in *your* head?