Jun 14, 2005 23:56
[A]ge?: 17 in 2 days!
[B]est friends?: Your Mom!
[C]hoice of meat?: Chicken
[D]ream date?: Jennifer Aniston
[E]xciting adventure?: Rolling throughout the ghetto
[F]avourite food?: Hotdog
[G]reatest accomplishment?: Having the most expensive closet in my family
[H]appiest day of your life?: The day my son was born
[I]nterests?: Hoes
[J]ell-O?: Lime Please
[K]ool aid?: Lime again.
[L]ove?: School, Friends, Pets.
[M]ost valued trinket?: My Computer
[N]ame?: MR. WilDMAN
[O]utfit you wore today?: Green Pinstripe shorts, and white lacoste polo.
[P]iercings?: /
[Q]uestion most asked?: Are you circumsized
[R]adio station?: 98.1
[S]port?: Shopping
[T]elevision show?: Simpsons
[U]r favourite song?: Kiss the game hello, never kiss it goodbye
[Y]ear born?: 1988
[Z]odiac sign?: Gemini