Mar 04, 2006 00:50
Okay, so I grabbed some pamplets today. "A Focus on Prejudice"; "What You Should Know About Hate Crimes"; "Americans With Disabilities"; and "Learn About Diversity". Why? For jokes and fun haha.
Starting with A Focus on Prejudice. I shall share a part that I found great.
"How can I find out if I am prejudiced against a group?
I wish there were a simpler answer to this question. The best answer is to take a close and honest look at yourself. Ask yourself the following questions:
1. Do you tend to associate with just one group of people? If so, why?
2. Do you feel uncomfortable when in mixed company? If so, why?
3. Do you make a consious decision not to attend a certain activity to avoid a particular group? If so, why?
4. Do you associate with a group that disparages other groups? If so, why?
5. DO you tend to over generalize groups that are different from your own? If so, why?
6. Do you use do disparaging remarks toward other groups? If so, why?
7. If you believe you are prejudiced against other people, the most important question is, are you willing to challenge the "old" thing and change?
Now that I know I am prejudiced, is it safe to assume that I would discriminate agaisnt other people?
The bottom line answer is no. The prejudiced attitude does tend to lead to discriminatory behavior, but not in all cases. There are people who are prejudiced, but would probably not discrimate because they are afraid of the consequences remember discrimination is illegal or because they want to be fair. Hopefully, once you are aware of your prejudices, you will make the effort to change. One step to take is to get to knopw and learn more about other cultures. Prejudice is mostly caused by lack of knowledge and contact/association.
Who can I call if I need more Information about this subject?
Soacial Actons: 828-2751/2752 ... I posted that because I feel like it. :)