NEW PLOOP same cool look new spiteful taste

Aug 24, 2005 20:56

Wow how Cow now. Damn.

Man that Harry Potter Book six suxx-ked my testicles.
thats right i said it. and i meant it. What the truck is up with that kid/
Could that be not the most boring fucking book. HP & the halfblood prince. they should have called it harry potter and his fucking invisible cloak.
i mean come the QUACK QUACK on. thats all he did. theres malfoy "invisble cloak" Let me sneak around "invisible cloak" I gotta go crap "invisble Cloak" the sky is blue "invisble cloak" UUUGGHH GOD would it kill anyone for something to Happen....oh wait it did it killed dumbledoof. KIlled by snape. OH i ruined the shocking ending everyone was shocked about. Guess what - if you didnt know from chapter three who was going to die. YOU my friend are a certified mongoloid. Go crap in your hand and smear all over yourself and lick windows you fucking fuck tard. MOOKY MOOKY MOOKY!!!!! I mean come on he made an unbreakable VOW. "ME no add 2 and 2 to-get-her!!!!! and if you cried at the end of this book ....hey dipshit its a book. and numerou deux i point and laugh at you.

Speaking of Retards this might surprise you but the lead character Mr. Potter is a retard. Potter is a GIANT retard.
Muggle raised or not if he goes to Wizard School for 6 fucking years. And he only knows lumius and Expecto Patronus , how did this kid pass.
if he fights something that hates light the kid is all set if not he is so screwed. Hey harry i have an awesome idea stop bitching and open up a book. Hermione isnt always going to be there fix your glasses. he doesnt even know that spell. Chosen one more like the luckiest idiot in the face of magic magical kingdom of hippy muggles. hey harry get a chain gun voldermort cant block all those bullets.

And what the hell is up with the statutory (cant even spell it i am so livid) rape love story.
wow ginny i am sixteen and you are thirteen you havent even grown pubes yet and i am going snogg all over your face. touch those pimples for boobs. SNogg snogg snoogg. statutory rape la la lala. i found his wrong . and when i.... AAAA man who is Wrong myself finds this wrong something is UP....and it is harry. (WAH WAH WHA WAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!)

And while I am on this rant of fan favorite fiction.
Star wars or as I like to call it (nods head in confusion).
I means Sa ANNIE- what is the deal with cod pieces. Storm troopers have cod piece.
Vader has a cod piece. Jengo ( my blocks fell down !!!JENGA) fett has a cod piece.Bobba fett wears old navy cargo pants with a cod piece.
Is there some kind of jedi who runs around and kicks people in the ballz. Jedi Master Ball Masher. I tell you that jedi should have smashed anakin right in the chicken mcnuggets® the sand is coarse waaahhh. i cant be a master even though i know i havent heaned it, wwwaaaahhhhhhh.
I have to have sex with Giant mouthed natalie portman in secret.....WWWAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! At least had a large bitch fist i dated cheese grader mouth my penis was never the same. SO EVERYONE IN THE (nods head in confusion) FANDOM take you wooden acting keanu....I mean annie and shut the truck up!!!! your life is not so bad Get some balls and stop bitching. It ruined the whole friggin series. no wonder he went bad everyone called him annie. that poor bastard never had a chance.

IN conclusion
Harry Potter book six(VOMMITS)
nods head in confusion- vommits more!!!!!!
I am going back to live tag is ploop knight
ill see you on the flip side and i am vapor.

PS. Next star wars movie....make it about REVAN!!!!!!
ANd the next poitter book have something happen that has nothing to do with minors snopggin.

x-box live your mom

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