Mar 27, 2006 15:22
There are so many people that I want to say things to, so this may be a long entry........This go in NO ORDER of how important you are to me...I am trying to remember the people that are on live journal...There are so many more people that I can thank, but they are not on LJ.....
Uncle Mark and DJ.Derck(since we decided that I can't call you uncle casue I am older than you)(HAHA) Thanks for alwasy being there...I really dont know you that much, but you two guys have always been so nice to me...THANK YOU!!!!
My Aunite Porsha, I love you and I dont know what I would do if you where not in my Life, you have helped me grow so much as a Gay man and as a Drag Princess(hehe) I will never forget that first time i saw you at the Q on the speeker box, I said to my self oh my god...what the hell is he doing. Waht was so funny is that you came home with Brandon (my old roommate) that night...We have become friends ever since and I have no regrets at all..I am so glad that we became friends.......Thank you SO MUCH!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!
Scott(aka Raquel) Thank you for all that you have done for me the past year. Can you believe that its been almost a year since we first meet. I can still remember, like it was yesterday..I saw you for the first time at PHAT Friday the day of my Birthday. You brought me out on stage...I was about to die...Brandon took me to the quest, cause it was my first weekend since I had moved out...I am so glad that our paths crossed and that we have become the best of friends. I could say alot more...but you know what I am saying...THANK YOU!! Love you lots!!! Oh and tell raquel thanks for the drag stuff that she has let me use in the past...HEHE
MOcha...God Where do I start...I cant.....I am already crying..There is so much that I can say...But you know what I am saying without me saying it...I love you and I am so glad that GOD put us together....You are my best friend in the world..I can tell you anything..You and I are a like in so many ways. Its Funny..You know when something is wrong with me and you come running, I do the same for you..I love you Mocha Man..I dont know what I would do with out you in my life...I cant wait to see where our friendship goes...I hope that it goes forever!! LOVE YOU!!!
Brent...My son (HEHE) I am so glad that you and mocha are together...I will never for get the first time I saw you. I said to you, "If you are going to start coming to this house you need to at least say hey daddy or somthing like that" And guess what, you have called me daddy ever since...I love it...You are like the son that I will never have. I love you, and I am so proud of you and all that you have done. I cant wait to see where you and Mocha end up..IT BETTER BE FOREVER!!! Hurry up and Graduate from school so you can take care of me!! I love you Brent...
My older sister Marc....A mess...Thank you so much for all that you have done for me the past few months...I am so glad that I have gotton to know you and your bitchie ways...HBIC..HEAD BITCH IN CHARGE....I love it...Love you and dont change a damn thing...
I think that this is all the people that read live Journal..I hope that I did not leave anyone out...