This is the time of year when I get a bit worried about my plants, especially the new ones.
Pots get moved into the house and I start wondering about watering and light levels. Plants in the garden shed their leaves or simply wither away.
There will be some casualties. There always are - the welsh onions have rotted away in a waterlogged bed. Some of the thyme's gone much the same way. And the Szechuan pepper in the kitchen has gone from healthy to desiccated in about a day (or at least it feels that way...).
New perennials are always a particular concern. An autumn olive bush was planted out a couple of months back and I had a brief panic this week when leaves turned yellow and fell off. Surely it was an evergreen? Thankfully not. But I had to double check.
And then, on the other hand, there's the medlar tree... it looks spectacular. The dying leaves are splendidly autumnal, a fiery red / orange / yellow mix. It was planted this year and I won't get any fruit for a year or two.
But right now, I don't much care about that bit. I'm just happy to have something quite so striking in the garden at an otherwise bleak time.
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