I think I'm onto being the first to identify a previously uncategorized type of song. This song is typically found in indie rock, usually it has a cheerful melody with a catchy hook, but the lyrics are written from the point of view of an indoctrinated cult member, who's bent on committing mass suicide. Examples are Go Outside by The Cults, and My Adidas by Versus. In the latter, he sings,
Waiting for the comet to appear.
New beginning far away from here.
Start the countdown going out in style.
My Adidas laced with cyanide.
I think you know it's too late.
I'm flying fast forward...to Heaven's Gate.
I'm rocketing skyward, but not with you.
Pretty chilling. He's convinced that by killing himself, he's leaving Earth for a passing comet; and he is spitefully sticking it to his former lover that she'll be stuck here on Earth.
Something about this idea, and this song in particular that blows my mind every time I listen to it: a bizarre combination of emotions: a joyful song about suicide. We're meant to be moved by his words, and sympathize with his point of view; yet at the same time, we know he's wrong and about to pointlessly die, but that doesn't really matter. Not sure anything at all outside of this type of song evokes the same emotion.
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