(no subject)

Apr 20, 2006 20:48

This girl is a former classmate of mine who is now facing jail time for being involved in a rally for immigrant rights. Please take a moment to read her story.

CAIR-Chicago is urging everyone to respond to an egregious case of police
misconduct against Rehana Khan, a Muslim girl who had her headscarf
(hijab) ripped off after she and several others were arrested while
protesting at a rally for immigrant rights. As she was led to a squad car,
Ms. Khan informed an officer that the way in which she was being handled
was causing extreme pain - actions from which she obtained bruises and
scars - and requested that the officer ease her grip. The officer
responded by stating: “No, that’s what you get,” and then remarked, “Take
that off” and violently pulled off her hijab.

At the police station, Ms. Khan was made to take off her hijab again and
was searched by a female and male officer without her hijab on. After the
search, the female officer tried to give the hijab back to her but the
male officer stopped her, stating something along the lines of there not
being anybody at the station to look at her and indicated that the
practice of wearing the hijab was a “fashion statement.” Ms. Khan was then
kept in lock up without being permitted to wear her hijab.

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