Jul 18, 2016 12:01
- Sun, 12:38: Gonna use the bathroom, take a shower and do the dishes then I’m gonna sit down to draw. *nods* https://t.co/28Ach3cBXx
- Sun, 12:41: 📷 hittower: Es un misterio. https://t.co/nJnXKpXPjK
- Sun, 12:42: jmadoc: explodingbat: the-gneech: naoren: naoren: magical girl show where the cute magical animal is a... https://t.co/Ly8tI5875A
- Sun, 12:45: 📷 gossip-dish: フォレスター@中目黒 中目黒と代官山の中間あたりにOPENした新店です!イチオシはキーマカレー。スパイスの香りとコーンの甘みが絶妙にマッチする独特の味わいです😋... https://t.co/QfDvIMTLBK
- Sun, 12:46: kuromi-shinku: spyderqueen: play-read-write: just-shower-thoughts: If Snow White literally had “lips red... https://t.co/JuJ5lc6BzQ
- Sun, 13:26: Got telegram and wanna add me? GO FOR IT! https://t.co/nEpbChFCl8 | Rather use discord? GOT THAT TOO: mrpandragon#4712 | HAVE AT ME! :V
- Sun, 13:31: TIME TO ARTS! 8D https://t.co/6OxTQUqifr
- Sun, 13:51: *sits on someone while he draws and wiggles*
- Sun, 14:28: CO