Jul 08, 2016 12:01
Thu, 12:48 : Welp, I woke up late today... XD Thu, 12:53 : 📷 dammitfallout: What just happened https://t.co/Kr8nL7Lzl5 Thu, 12:53 : 📷 corsolanite: Saladit - Toxic Lizard Pokemon Type: Poison/Fire Ability: Corrosion “From the base of... https://t.co/GZ84TWboph Thu, 12:56 : fauxgingerwithasoul: Stuff Mad Max addresses: Physical disabilities PTSD Objectification Toxic masculinity... https://t.co/vkieJ1tHIb Thu, 12:56 : 📷 poketto-monsta: SALANDIT NO SWIPING! https://t.co/aJFv8iEZwl Thu, 14:31 : So apparently there are absolutely ZERO Pok�mon in Puerto Rico cuz I've just wandered around San Juan and found NOTHING. #PokemonGO Thu, 14:37 : #PokemonGo has so far been nothing more than a gigantic, massive disappointment for me. Thu, 14:53 : RT @ MinovskyArticle : My nearest Pokemon Gym is right through this overgrown thicket. It's....oh....ohhhh... https://t.co/0u6lJurY4U Thu, 14:55 : So exciting... Look at all the shit around me... https://t.co/Bkmf2whPWn Thu, 14:56 : Look at all the Pokemon I can catch.... #PokemonGO https://t.co/2QXJQhDGZ9 Thu, 15:00 : RT @ catteboots : I got sand in my floof https://t.co/KLJJyRBOjf Thu, 15:02 : RT @ GR1603 : "You're commission prices are too high!" "We shouldn't be paying for art!" "We should be given a free drawing!" https://t.co/jc … Thu, 15:02 : RT @ 1055890141vg : アルフィン夏アニメチェックの会 https://t.co/Iqkw9VJz2n Thu, 15:05 : Wow, fantastic! I start #PokemonGO and the music and sounds are working, but then I get a text message and all sound stops working. Thu, 15:05 : What a fucking piece of shit app, holy crap. Thu, 15:06 : Me @ #PokemonGO -> Fuck This Shit I'm Out https://t.co/za6kElvAjX Thu, 18:33 : RT @ NASA : Some of the wind-sculpted sand ripples on Mars provide new clues about atmosphere’s history: https://t.co/oF4cpNTL8P https://t.co … Thu, 18:35 : RT @ ZaaruChan : I drew this earlier! >whttps://t.co/qGlQkT7QjO Thu, 20:15 : RT @ RuZarptag : more of RU #rudragon #phation #cute #dragon #furry #fursona https://t.co/dKgyzgaPS3 Thu, 20:37 : 📷 scifijackrabbit: eyebrowride: wuvvums: glwuffie: radprotag: PSA: https://t.co/FpjFf09acN admin being creepy as... https://t.co/VMrXzgcAoP Thu, 20:48 : RT @ gameinformer : Hello Games has officially completed No Man's Sky. https://t.co/TqOAAlut7b https://t.co/NNrxtwzeCV Thu, 20:49 : RT @ GamepIay : https://t.co/jVATMls60t Thu, 21:47 : 📷 lizalfosrise: inkerton-kun: gkojax: 【2次元】かっこいい集合の画像ください カナ速 https://t.co/jM46nwNUSg Thu, 21:49 : 📹 tieltavern: avianawareness: best spoon Conures are the weirdest creatures. https://t.co/LJenKfWAUh Thu, 22:07 : RT @ Inklingss : I love... him.. https://t.co/Q7rApKGNBx Fri, 01:16 : 📷 nedoiko: This is one of the collab pinups Chat and I did for a book a while ago, He already posted... https://t.co/jcjiwShgsJ Fri, 01:49 : 📹 pcred566: needless to say this took a significant amount of time anyways, enjoy :] https://t.co/AuGDjo7Aoz Fri, 03:11 : 📷 anatoref: (A Study in Rain) The Garden of Words (言の葉の庭 Kotonoha no Niwa) is a 2013 Japanese anime... https://t.co/6csAM2iu2N Fri, 03:27 : 📷 nsfwcobaltsnow: Feed the Cat I need to practice painting… https://t.co/DGvTcVsCfW Fri, 03:43 : yourplayersaidwhat: DM: The only way you’re playing a bard in this campaign is if you speak entirely in... https://t.co/gaQ9KRSQaN