FFXII Hijinks

Nov 03, 2006 12:06

15 hours in, and Im still lost.

Well, the reason you havent heard from me much is the fact that Final Fantasy 12 has taken up more of my free time thats Not related to school doing studying and homework.

My opinion of the newest instalment: Excellent game.

The battle system is not tedious by any means, and it actually makes combat *gasp* fun!

My only gripe is that Im not a big fan of the barter-like system....The mostly only way to get money/buy more things is to farm useless junk and sell it back to vendors. Most monsters dont drop cash (In hindsight, is I guess how it should be)...but that still leaves me with crappy gear, not cool at at >/

But then again, wolf pelts are where the gil is at ;o)

(Corys random thought for the day)
Now if only we could skin Monsters in Madrigal. . .
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