May 17, 2009 12:06
So I am posting from a very weak "free" signal in the Witchita Airport (ICT). I have my earbuds on, but I can hear the people across the aisle from me talking about my laptop. Maybe they will start talking about me in a little bit, I have no idea, but I'm tempted to fire up some music so I don't have to hear them talk about how I must be a student because only students buy, "Mac brand computers."
It will soon be boarding time for the flight, so I guess I better go run and pee before I get on the turboprop plane. Oh man this shit is going to be hilarious. The flight out I ended up sitting next to some dude who was a minor rap star (but I forgot his name!) in Denver and we got to hear an old lady a couple of seats behind us talk about how much safer it was to fly in a large plane because it's harder for "A-RABS to GIT AWN." I wanted to turn around and punch her in the mouth.
I also saw the recent Star Trek movie, and despite it being chock full of "shiny-cam" and shit, and every J.J. Abrams special effect hook and EPIC-CAM, it was actually fun and I enjoyed it. Obviously this means that I am supposed to like Lost and Heroes or some shit, but really I think this is just a fluke?