Feb 18, 2009 23:36
So it's been a while since I posted anything about the diet and working out.
The results are pretty pronounced.
I've switched a little to put muscle back on. At my lowest I was barely dipping below 180 pounds. Not too bad. I'm back up to around 185 - which is where I wanted to be before. This time around, I'm much much stronger, and I have a great deal more lean muscle than before. When I started, I was working with about 20-25kg bells (single hand), 135 deep box squats (90 seconds continuous), and barely lasting on the rope/towel/nautilus-neg/insane chin-up routines Darren had us working on. I can pretty much go a continuous 90 seconds of pulls or chins sans weights now. I'm up to roughly 53 pounds per hand on the kettles. 90 seconds of squats with body weight is fine. Romanian dead-lifts with the 2" PVC pipe as the bar isn't an issue anymore either. I'm climbing faster, stronger, and a hell of a lot more confident than before. Oddly enough, the scale I have keeps telling me I'm at 17-19% body fat. Fresh out of the shower I'm clocking in at 16%. I think I should get a more accurate test done just for my sanity.
I don't have the abs I want quite yet, but it's getting there. I'm hoping the aerobic exercise of biking to work every day this spring and summer will help bring things around - not to mention climbing outdoors consistently and really gearing up the patio for workouts when I have time to myself. I really like the kettlebell workouts and I may pick up a couple for my own workouts for core strength.
Nievie joined us up in the AS workout area today. I think she likes it - but it's not for everyone. This is obviously something that you have to be in the right mindset for - it's something that people who are balls out crazy about getting to a real goal are going to be into. I'm glad Josh picked up with it, and working out with Jacquie has been really rewarding. It's good to have people you can work out with, then go splurge on a huge grilled meal (of meat) afterwards.
I'm still pimping the lowered carb intake during the week and carbing out during the weekends. I need to ramp up my protein consumption on those days too - I've been really lax about getting protein in during the weekends since I'm stuffing my face with delicious carbs.
I may get some photos of what I look like now - especially since I've dropped fat and put on muscle. I think I look a lot better than before.
I'm getting there. It's slow and sometimes painful, but it's getting there. Looking back on myself before, I used to be really goddamn fat. Jesus!
2009 ABS here I come I guess! haha