All finished with my work on Wilde Stories 2013. Whew. 274 pages of great stories for only $18.
Table of Contents!
"Breakwater in the Summer Dark" by L Lark
"The Keats Variation" by K. M. Ferebee
"Tattooed Love Boys" by Alex Jeffers
"Grierson at the Pain Clinic" by Richard Bowes
"Wave Boys" by Vincent Kovar
"Renfrew's Course" by John Langan
"Wetside Story" by Steve Vernon
"Next Door" by Rahul Kanakia
"A Strange Form of Life" by Laird Barron (
"Night Fishing" by Ray Cluley
"Sic Him, Hellhound! Kill! Kill!" by Hal Duncan
"Keep the Aspidochelone Floating" by Chaz Brenchley (
Familiar names for Wilde Stories readers and new voices to discover.
Pre-order your copy before
nihilistic-kid buys every one in an insidious plan to turn Berkeley gay!