Sep 02, 2014 15:37
Day 22. Kathy spiked a fever overnight so it was a rough night for both of us. She was finally able to get to sleep somewhere after 3 and I dropped off at some point after that. This morning when she woke up her temperature was right at her normal point so I felt ok leaving.
I went with Rob and his friend Jan to drop Jan off to get a large van for moving. Then we came back here and picked up Karo and Veronica and headed to Jan's old place. Natalia stayed here and graciously agreed to help with Kathy however was required -- which, fortunately, was not much as Kathy slept much of the day.
Jan's old place is somewhere deep in the hills. It was absolutely gorgeous country. When we got there around noon the sun was beating down on us as we loaded the van. Karo and V. left for Orgiva as V. had to take her last test required by her time in school there. So it was Jan, Rob, me and a young man Jan hired for the day, Julio, loading the van.
I got to about the 2/3 mark when my body started giving me signs it had had enough. So I had to bow out at that point. I kept the cat company, who was now highly incensed at the idea of being in a carrier preparatory to the move. When we finished, Karo was still a ways from coming back so we crowded the four of us into the cab of the van and headed for the nearby town. There we stopped in a bar/cafe and had drinks and tapas, and before long Karo and V. were back.
Then off to Jan's new place. After arriving we started moving stuff in from the van, and on the first load of stuff I took the warning signs were right back so that was it for me. Instead, I stood outside and watched for cars coming, as we would have to close the door of the van so they could get by. ("I have one job to do. It's a lousy job, but I'm going to do it!")
The unloading went well and we finished fairly quickly. Then we went down to the nearby river to cool off with some wading (or in Karo's case, swimming) and some drinks. Then we headed to Orgiva so that Rob and Karo could show us some of their old stomping ground.
The town is a lovely Spanish town with the kind of architecture you'd expect, lots of buildings crammed together on the hillside. The drive that we took to get there and to get back to the highway was a little more like the kind of drive that my Dad would take flatlanders on in the mountains just for fun. It was beautiful and fun.
Then we hit a grocery store for some supplies, including some Pringles. After we left, as we were driving back to the house, I showed V. how to do Pringle chip duck lips. She had great fun with that.
Not long after we got here, Jan arrived to pick up his car, left here in the morning. We sat and talked some, then he headed home to start the long process of unpacking and destressing the cat. The rest of us sat around talking for a while before we walked down to Meson JR to get some dinner to bring back.
Dinner is done, and soon it will be time for bed. I am exhausted from a lack of sleep, a lot of work, and a lot of sun. So the bed is beckoning.