Well it's been a bit since my last post but I do live an uneventful life really.
If you're interested in seeing my tattoo go check out
clockworkgeek 's live journal, matt as a picture of it up and I'm to lazy to upload it my self. He's gonna be using it to sign up to a body mod community.... which I don't see the point of if you don't have tattoos but what ever matt's a weird kid. The tattoo took 3 hours and cost 400 bucks; it's huge and looks great so it was worth the time and the money.
I've joined a few communities here on live journal and have met some cool people, and to think I thought every one on here was retarded and listens to good charlotte. Not saying that if you listen to good charlotte that makes you a retard, no I'd never say such a thing. Wait ya I would, if you listen to good charlotte you have less taste in music then I do, and I listen to some crappy music!
Single still, not complaining though, I'm happy with where I'm at, I mean I'm not a monk or any thing I'm just not in a relationship and would kind of like keeping it that way.
Me and Mark went to go see Adria at her job in the mall, she works at one of those little stands selling jewellery, I don't envy her right now, I'd hate to work at the mall around Christmas, I'd just send up putting all the rings on and hitting a customer. We hung with her well she was on her break, Adria and I made more plans to hang on Thursday.
It's weird I feel like I'm losing touch with a lot of my friends, which sucks, I gotta give Andrew Morrison a call some time, I miss hanging with Mo. I also plan on hanging with those people who I consider friends but rarely ever see, like Dan riley be warned we are hanging out some time this week and you can't stop me!. Also Dan Roberts, gimmie a call and give me your new number and we can set up plans for my trip out there, this time I mean that I'm not just saying that!
Well I guess that's about it for this write up,
Later Days