Aug 02, 2004 00:33
"Weird Al" Yankovic was the special guest celebrity voice on the new Brak episode tonight. At least, I think it was new. Well, it was new to me.
Anyway, in case you missed the story earlier, Nicole (from CEVT) tried to order turkey, potatoes, and corn for dinner at the UC. Now see, the problem was that there was no corn. Not just that they had run out, but they hadn't served it at all tonight. The vegetable was carrots. the UC guy just kind of looked at her, and she asked for corn again. He started scooping up the vegetarian entree up, but she once again insisted that she wanted corn. At this point I had to step in and tell him that she probably meant carrots, those little orange stick-like things. That was when she started to realize what she had said, and promptly turned bright red and proceeded to laugh until she couldn't talk. Which was probably just as well, considering... We of course all teased her throughout dinner, and warned her not to answer the phone with "Cornfrences and Events, this is Nicole." She was a little slow to get that one.
Speaking of slow, my computer is running so slowly it would take the short bus to computer support. No one is going to be offended by that, I hope? Well, too late. I need to run a Spyware check, even though I'm usually pretty careful about that kind of thing. I also should run an eyelid diagnostic, seeing how I work at 8am... which is nothing compared to some other days this week...
Who would have thought a singing lobster would save my life?