Kidz Bop 6! This has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've heard of in a long, long time. The CD is made up of current hits (such as
Britney Spears' Toxic,
Linkin Park's With You (or it might be
Jessica Simpson's),
Jet's Are You Gonna Be My Girl,
Maroon 5's This Love,
Evanescence's My Immortal and ones called "
Burn" by Usher and "
The First Cut is the Deepest" by Sheryl Crow) supposedly made "kid safe" and sung for, and by, children. These are not songs I would want my kids listening to! Or that I think anyone else's should either... half the songs deal with fairly adult themes of love and despair.
When I first saw the commercial, I thought it was a joke or something, but then I realised it was all too real... Am I alone here? Should kids be given "sanitized versions" of some of the more popular songs of the summer? Doesn't this destroy the artists' visions for their ideas? DO they get any royalties from sales of this compilation (and keep in mind, this is Mr. Music Pirate talking)? What are they going to put on the next one? And what are they going to out out next, Kidz 80s Hair Metal Ballads? Kidz Gangsta Rap?
I'm all riled up...