Sep 04, 2006 11:19
while in SF i picked up some city habits, like taking my laundry to the wash and fold down at the Cable Car Laundry on the corner of california and hyde. only once did i end up with a foreign sock and undy. the woman laughed and said, oh, mistake. no big deal as long as my laundry was all there. i could take it there and it would come back the very next day, all clean and folded. loved it! now i want to find one here. a good, one day turn around, wash and fold laundry. spending a whole weekend day washing keets's and my clothes is just too much time. remember, i am still a student and faculty and staff and i need one day at least per weekend to make some work for my next review. maybe next weekend i can spend time out itn the forest recording insect sex. until then, if you know of a good wash and fold, please send it along.