Mar 23, 2005 22:41
So, yeah, today is my 23rd birthday. I must say it is has been one of the crapiest to date, well just the part that i to work. At 12 in the morning i went out to eat with Natalie and Patricia it was a lot of fun. Tricia spent the night, which was nice. Then i had to go to work, much suckyness. I work with mostly idiots who cannot seem to function on their own, get to work on time, call people, or just do their job in general, everythin half ass all of the time. One of the guys in drums today was closing by himself, and at the end of the night a customer was returning a drum set because the one he had was messed up. The original salesman did not get everything together as he said that he would. So, we did not have another of the same kit, so the salesman was like.....
"i dont feel like trying to sell him something better, i just want to go."
Right there is a perect example of the crap that goes on. It is his fucking job to sell and he just said he does not want to do it, SO WHY DO YOU FUCKING WORK THERE!!! Then when i approved the exchange he expected to get the credit for the sale, he did nothing except help bring the old kit back in and pull the new kit out of the back. Why can't people learn that they have to work for their money, it will not be handed to you. he was like "Man, there was a lot of work involved wit this i deserve it." If he was the original salesman and that happened to him he would bitch and moan like there was no tomorrow. Today work was just all around
Memorible events of past birthdays.......
22nd: Spend it in Green Bay with Leslie, she never even told me happy birthday.....
21st: I went to Huck Finn's for my free Sunday instead of going to a bar for the first time.
20th: I had just started working at Guitar Center, and i believe i did something with Judy
19th: Spend it with Judy, I became a man 4 times that evening
18th: I told Judy i loved her. Got two copies of Mindless Self Indulgance's cd "Frankenstein Girls Seem Strangly Sexy."
I do not remember any before that..........
Mike in crappy mood right now, so i am sorry if this seems horribly depressing, i am not normally all sad anymore, i gave that up.
Only thing to do now is wait for Danny and Patricia, then go to Huck's for my free Sunday. Much fun will be had.
Good Day to all,
-Mr. Moo