For the record, in case anyone cares, I really do read LJ daily. For some reason I've just not been much of a poster lately... I'd like to say I've been busy - but we all know that would be a lie.
So my hard drive failed and ate all my MP3s... or at least, it threatened to. I managed to reach down its throat and salvage the vast majority of them. Trying to make sure all the important stuff survived, and flogging myself for not having a backup.... although the way I do it, it isn't much of a discouragement.
Also, been re-watching all of the Buffys with Ang and
silverjazz (although
kothoga is apparently too cool for the Buff-ster). It's been a while, so it is nice to renew my BtVS fanboy license.
Been doing a good bit of reading the last couple of weeks, too. So far I've read three books - On Intelligence, The Code Book, and Intelligent Thought... all of which were good - especially the first two. I'm trying to work my way through a fourth - Practical FPGA Programming in C, but like most hardware/software development books, it is a little dry. A few new books have been ordered and should be here soon... Phantoms in the Brain, The Meme Machine, Parallel Worlds, Schrodinger's Rabbits, and Quantum Entanglement...
...maybe I should start reviewing these as I read them. Then again, I was never much on book reports. Anyone have any non-fiction reading they can recommend?