
Jun 24, 2008 22:22

Villiers’ flat.

Nice, clean, simple. Very warm, all wood and earth tones. A potted plant, a few framed photos, splashes of colour that stand out from the browns and creams. It’s a very classic look, and Villiers just happens to like it that way.

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broodingbacchus June 25 2008, 03:25:57 UTC
Look who's curled up on the couch with one of Villiers' books of Latin poetry?

He looks up as the door opens and smiles. It's warm and fond and ridiculously lovely, like Imriel's smiles tend to be when Villiers is around.


mrmoneypenny June 25 2008, 03:33:24 UTC
"-Imriel, he's probably around. But he's very understanding."

Then the door fully opens, and Villiers walks in, finding his lover with a fond gaze. And yes, there's an extra layer of sappy adoration in the way that smile quirks.

"At least, I hope so?"

It's a casual question, almost rhetorical, but seeing that he's still new at non-monogamy, it doesn't hurt to get reassurance.


likesthecoat June 25 2008, 03:38:24 UTC
From Ianto there is nervous smile and a handwave hello. He doesn't want to pull out of Villiers's arm but . . . he kind of starts to.


broodingbacchus June 25 2008, 03:40:31 UTC
The warmth of the smile loses about half a degree, but it trades it in for wry amusement. All's well.

"Evening, Villiers. And...?"

Somehow the word manages to trail off into hello, nice to meet you, didn't catch your name, yes you're allowed to have sex with him.

Imriel's good at those sorts of nuances.


mrmoneypenny June 25 2008, 03:46:23 UTC
And to reassure Ianto, he gets a quick kiss.

Actually, it may or may not be reassuring. But at least Villiers understands the reason for his distress.

He also remains silent, urging Ianto on. Because clearly, if they're to stay friends after this, he needs to meet Imriel.

(Plus, it's strangely amusing. Ianto is adorable. Is that what others see in himself?)


likesthecoat June 25 2008, 03:49:49 UTC
Ianto smiles in a slightly embarrassed way at the kiss and tells Imriel, "Ianto Jones. Nice to meet you."


broodingbacchus June 25 2008, 03:51:07 UTC
"Imriel, as I see you've heard. A pleasure to meet you, as well."

Utterly unruffled, he turns the page of his book.


mrmoneypenny June 25 2008, 03:56:36 UTC
Well, small talk. There. Done. Now, onto fun things?

But first. Forgive him, Ianto, if you would, for Villiers' brief foray to kiss Imriel soundly on the lips, and whisper a few things quietly. A few things that amount, essentially, to 'thank you' and 'I'm fairly certain you're the best thing to happen to me', because being open about sex is certainly much healthier than restraint, repression, anxiety, or angst.

It's only a few seconds. And with a parting caress to Imri's cheek, Villiers returns to Ianto with another kiss and an arm casually slung around his waist. And yes, carefully directing him to the bedroom.

And a deliciously naughty whisper of "well, I'm yours for tonight," because in the end, Villiers is a bit of a tart.


likesthecoat June 25 2008, 04:09:03 UTC
Ianto holds Villiers's face and kisses him back. "What do you want to do to me?" he whispers.


mrmoneypenny June 25 2008, 04:13:40 UTC
The door closes with a comforting snick.

And Villiers allows himself to melt into that kiss.

"Anything," he murmurs. "Everything."

Wandering hands even find their way down and under and oh, look, buttons.


likesthecoat June 25 2008, 04:14:56 UTC
Ianto quietly laughs and tugs on his tie to get it loose. "Sounds good to me."


mrmoneypenny June 25 2008, 04:18:25 UTC
"Glad you agree."

Buttons and more buttons and soon enough, there's enough slack to see a hint of more skin under that collar, which he quickly reaches for with eager lips. Kisses, right there.


likesthecoat June 25 2008, 04:20:37 UTC
Ianto's head falls back and he moans, his hands plucking Villiers's shirt from his waistband and seeking the warm skin of his back.


mrmoneypenny June 25 2008, 04:23:07 UTC
He tugs the tie off outright, opening the collar enough to slide down and bite, just a little, just lightly, where shoulder meets neck. Because he can't help that it just looks that tempting, and before he loses his concentration, manoeuvres them closer to the bed.


likesthecoat June 25 2008, 04:25:26 UTC
"Laurence," Ianto whispers because he's not going to call someone he's about to have sex with by his last name, and pulls him down onto the bed with him.


mrmoneypenny June 25 2008, 04:27:56 UTC
No one ever calls him Laurence.

It's...odd. Different.

But he'll still reach back up to kiss Ianto soundly once he's somewhat settled on the bed, close but not close enough, so much tailored material separating them, but his hands can still roam.


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