Sometimes, I like to cut myself...

Mar 08, 2007 20:36

Well, I learned a valuable life lesson this week...

When dropping a glass, DO NOT try and catch it, just let it go.

So, I was rinsing out a couple glasses Monday night. I went to grab the one on the edge of the sink and bumped it in. I reached real quick to grab it and the next thing I know, my finger is gushing blood (middle finger on my left hand, on the side, at my first knuckle from my finger nail). I'm like, "man, that sucks." I really just thought I sliced it. It kind of hurt, but I was also laughing. So, I hold it so that blood won't pour out, and wait 5 minutes for it to stop. 5 minutes later, still gushing, so hold for 10 minutes... Nope, still gushing out, thinking this might be getting a little serious. Decide to call a friend who has had some nursing and hold it for 20 minutes. Her brother swings by with gauze and tape. Somewhere in there I rinsed it under water (talk about some serious pain) to make sure there are no glass shards in there. So yeah, friend gets there, still hasn't slowed down one bit. We wrap it up tight and decide its time to go to the ER since it hasn't stopped bleeding for about an hour.

Trip to the ER is uneventful.

Get to the ER at Munson hospital (which, by the way, is brand new and very nice. I guess they even have GPS for all the employees and what not now so that you can find anyone anywhere, crazy). I get in pretty quickly and the nurse comes to see me after not too long. Yep, she says she doesn't know what they might be able to do, we are now beginning to realize that I sliced off a bit of skin, enough that stitches are out of the question (not enough skin to stitch my finger shut). Nurse leaves, comes back much later, kind of just sit there for a while. Some other nurse/doctor chick comes in because she heard I had a really nice cut, so was nice to hear that I was now gaining a reputation. Finally, around 11 the doctor comes in. She takes the bandage off and just lets me bleed for a bit while she checks my finger out to make sure I can move it all, and that I did not cut anything vital. Then gets this gauze-like material that will make my blood clot. Sets that on there, wraps my finger up, and says to leave it be for a few days.

Well, its sort of starting to heal now. I haven't been able to cook since Monday. My finger is slowly getting better, but its kind of stiff. I will definitely have a nice little scar, but I'm more just hoping I do not lose any movement.

So yeah, aside from that, not much else new.
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