Jan 13, 2005 22:48
Good evening everyone,
Well, I am being put to the test once again, nothing huge, just mind based things, and a reminder of my problem solving methods sits right in front of me.
My father purchased an excellently presented copy of Sun Tzu's Ping Fa for me today, and It's one of the better translations I've read. A good resource.
And a good reminder about how I normally go about solving problems in tough or interesting situations.
This week, business has been fairly slow, however, because I am a strategist I've managed to keep myself busy, and I have managed to set in concrete the building blocks I need to overcome foreseeable problems in the future.
I don't like to brag, but I'm getting pretty good at this, lol.
In terms of substancially large problems, there's very little that I cannot deal with, yet, I still seem to struggle with many of the smaller and more subtly things in life, hehe, complexity is great, but clearly simplicity is something that truely requires a lifetime to master. In fact probabally the most important key regarding success is the ability to solve the most complex problems using the most simplist of all solutions, that's true wisdom.
But anyway, enough of that, today, I pushed on, and pushed my usual agenda's regarding friendship, business and so forth, and everything appears to be going on schedule.
I do have some challenges ahead of me, but as I said at the start, I already have the answers right in front of me, we all, always have the answers, just a matter of opening our eyes and seeing them!
Wisdom is probabally one of the most precious possessions of all, yet, it's something no one can give us, it's something we can't buy, we can't see, we can't entirely feel it either, it's just there. And it's there in all of us.
It's up to the invidual whether they ultimately choose to find it within themselves and use it, and to what extent. But from my experience, something so precious is crazy to be left ignored, although ignorance is such a temptation chosen by many, it's quiet possibly part of human nature, yet nature itself isn't ignorant, it's consistently changing and evolving based on it's environment, my opinion is that if we follow the same path as nature itself, we just cannot go wrong.
Some of us however, for many reasons, prefer to see the ways of the world in certian ways, and certian viewpoints, we believe only specific things, we create this illusion of a world customised to our viewpoint, this I believe is the difference between a young mind and an old one.
Old minds, have experienced change for so many years that they realise the ways of nature and consistent change, A younger mind tends to see things from a more static viewpoint.
My mind must be getting old, because I've managed to talk on for quiet a while about nothing, hehe.
Tomorrow, I have a key business meeting which will determine some important things, I will update my journal with that information in due course, I also have a couple of other things to do here and there, and I might end up playing golf, who knows.
Saturday will be the Brisbane adventure which will be interesting! and Sunday will be hopefully a friends day where I get a chance to catch up with a friend or two, Namely Ness, but I'll have to wait and see.
Speaking of friends just quickly, I've been thinking about Kit a lot lately, well, I've been trying not to atleast, but I have. Apart from seeing her once every week or so at work, I'm going to have to ask her, if she wants to catch up and spend more time together, simply because I mean, after I see her at work, even if it's only for like 20 seconds, and even if all we say is hi, I'm still thinking of her a couple of hours aftwards, and subconciously I appear to be a lot more happier after seeing her everytime, so that has to mean something. It means that she makes me smile and makes me happy. I mean, it's not like she's the only girl in the world that does that, but even still, there's just something about her.
I know in reality but, that I just shouldn't go down that path(partly due to the been there, done that factor), my brain these days has built in good looking blonde insurance. It never allows me to head too far in one direction, and I'm going to continue to move along with plans about just finding new girls to spend time with and maybe eventually get in a relationship with.
I think I can get somewhere with a new lead that I have in about 2 weeks. If it works out then, well, jackpot, else, back to the drawing board.
In the meantime, I'll remind Kit that I am always here for her if there is anything I can ever do for her, or if she needs someone to talk to etc, that way, if she does want me more in her life, she'll have that option wide open to persue, and it'll mean I won't have to worry about things, I can just sit back, knowing I've done everything I can.
And that pretty much sums up my motto in life! just to do everything I can, and with a bit of hard work, and an ounce of luck things will turn out right in the end.
Goodnight Everyone.