Sep 21, 2005 12:24
Yokay well yesterday was enrolment day at westminster! We had to be there for 8:50am which so early for so early. Met Joel at ealing common station then carried on to the uni. When we got there, obviously we didn't know where to go and so were walking around like tourists. (We were told to go to this main lecture room place type thing). Saw a few other people who were walking around cautiously (other new students!) and they started to follow us following this other guy who we *thought* was going to where we were going. But the room he ended up going into was in fact... the toilet. (Yes, jokes were obviously had at that point as you can imagine). Finally found where we were meant to be (nice and early), had a big introduction speech with all the different art students (which was very boring and also had a stupid fire video), and then were sent out to go to our subject places! But Joel and I accidentally went to the wrong building and got lost. So we ended up "BOWLING" into the animation place late, which was a bit embarassing as the guy was in the middle of talking to a room full of new and unfarmiliar people.
We then had to do a little "ice breaking" thing where we had to talk to the person next to us for 5 minutes and then go round in a circle & introduce them to everyone, saying their name, where they're from and 1 interesting fact about them. Ugh... This was stupid a) because I hate doing stuff like that and b) becuase me and joel were sitting next to each other (next to the door since we were late)! So you can imagine the conversation...
"So... what's your name?! *laugh*" etc etc.. But it turns out quite a few people say they like anime and want to go to Japan and all that, so I'm wondering if they draw things like me! And have the same interests etc. One girl loves Tim Burton and even has a tatoo of him or his name or something, and that is crazy. But whatever. And there's a chinese girl with a tatoo of a butterfly *really* low on her um..stomach/hip/front thing..whatever that might be called. But yes, it's often visible so that shows how low her jeans go. Some of these facts were really random... Swedish guy with, for some reason, an american accent (???) and err.. oh yeah, Joel FROM CLAYGATE who LOVES DESIGNING WEBSITES.. AND STUFF. Man, I sounded so stupid.
Enroling wasn't fun, and paying didn't go smoothly for me (and others.. so i'm not alone there i think). All i'll say is I hate student loans!!
My student ID photo is funny becuase the guy taking my pic had the camera to far to the left so it looks like i'm trying to duck out of the way of the cam.
Ummm....... didn't really socialize because we were split into 2 groups for the inductions after lunch. And most of the group we were in either knew each other already or somehow really quickly formed their own tight group that did *not* include myself or Joel. Well.. WHATEVER.
The rest is boring, so i'll just skip to today which was the student party day.. loads of free gifts and tables and things getting you to sign up to this that and the other. Me and Joel joined the anime club! Didn't see any of the animation students *except* for the "tight group" (which that chinese girl i mentioned is a part of, btw just so you know) so that was no good.
What I don't get is they completely like.. rejected us! We were all in the bar, sitting quite close to each other and they didn't even acknowledge us. I mean it's way easier for a group or 5 or 6 to approach two than it is the other way round! But like I said, whatever. They are not COOL obviously.
Umm.. that's it pretty much. Got on the wrong train home, but otherwise, yeah. O_O;