i hate to see people down. i be feeling like is there something i can do, to make them happy. then im get down because i feel like i am doing somethng wrong because they're not happy and im around them and feel like im adding onto the stress of them not being happy. then i start thinking like fuck that, its not my fault their life is in shambles and fuck'em. but then i feel wrong for feeling like that and find myself pricking nad pushing to get a smile out of them. when the realization of it all is, they only are mad because they want my attention, they want to feel like somebody cares about them. life is throwing them BOWS they know i can make it better, and that right there my dears is priceless. ain't nothing like feeling like ALEVE baby, i know, bad bad use of a inanimate object to describe a emotion.
my mom told me to "get over myself". so not happening. je m'adore bitches. and im so loving chris brown. its just something about the way he bites usher kinda sorta that just really makes me digg him. his CD is nice, but he kinda doesn't got the whole dancing thing down like, in a orderly make it look like you know what your doing way, its like he just up there, doing STUFF. and it looks like kelly rowland's career is really starting to take off and she might actually make a bigger name for herself.
big ups the crew over at
CONCRETELOOP.com for their VIBE magazine shout out. do it big then.