Mar 20, 2005 01:30
Stupid fucking people are the ones that make me want to go against everything that is good for me. Some people are so interested in the lives of others that they lose track of their own and forget their faults and contradictions of their very existence. They think they are higher than what they are and try to alter anothers mindset. In the hope to maybe save another from what they think is possible downfall. I for one try to not force my ideas onto someone else just because they are who they are and if one wants something bad enough they will get it or try to to their fullest ability. I guess what i'm trying to say is that I wish I could just do what I want to do without people trying to tell me it's wrong. This goes for everything I do. Some asshole just has to come up with a reason for me not to do something. I don't even feel like naming the large number that always has to comment on my lifestyle. I will say though that the only people that i can't accuse are my friends. I'm sure most of them feel the same way I do about this. Fuck anyways... on a lighter note i will same i'm actually in a rather good mood. I time to time have to express what i'm feeling especially when it's bugging the hell out of me. I feel like naming a few things that piss me the fuck off.
Hate List:
Most of my family
People that always seem to have a reason to hate people but often dont even know the person they are talking shit about.
Porn Bots
Band People
ROTC People
Goth People
My sisters friends
My sisters friends and their friends
Church members
hmm I have more but screw waisting time adding them...
Oh yeah, just so that i'm not sounding like i'm going against myself I want to add that I don't care about these people they just somehow know me. I wish they would leave me alone.