Jul 24, 2005 00:32
So i hit up that reunion today. It was different, and not exactly what i expected. This year it was more laid back. Another thing is that since i havent seen many of these people in a year, i can really see how they have changed. It makes me remember the times back at old school and how everyone was and how we were all a tight group. Now you see as people drift apart, and in some cases get mixed up in shit they shouldnt. For instance, my first real best friend who i grew up with playin coyboys and robbbers or whatever the hell it was. Anyways now he is big time into drugs and shit like that. He is still alright he just needs to get his shit together before he wipes. But somehow i doubt he will. Others still hold on to that innocence we had when we were younger. And some are ignorant of what is happening around them to the friends they once thought as part of this group. Regardless it was still a great time for all of us. Well mostly...tony is still tony...and cate...well ya...and the other few. So ya good times, except the part where i almost got lost on the way home lol.
Makes you think though, what if you had a ruenion years from now with friends you havent seen in ages, what would they be like? what would you be like?
-deep thoughts ;P -