Jan 31, 2006 15:30
after frantic studying for twenty-or-so minutes today, i took my first french test of the semester.
estimated grade: C-B (not a CB, but somewhere between a C and a B)
i am okay with this grade. there are roughly 8 chapter tests for the semester. OKAY, so the important stuff, then. i love french. even though i felt like throwing up because i was so nervous to take the test, i still felt very immersed in the french language today, between class, studying, listening to my teacher talk to a lot of people while i waited to take the test, and actually taking the test. i love when i accidentally think in french, or reply to people in french. i bumped into someone and mumbled "pardon" today, among other little things, like the way i construct sentences in english right now. they are very simple.
mostly i don't know french, so it's funny when i think in french because I DON'T KNOW ANY. i also found myself mumbling to myself while i walked around today, saying things i do know in french. isn't that cute and pathetic?
i am now fully able to appreciate fabienne's accent. she is my teacher, by the way. anyway, i appreciate how easy she is to understand when she speaks french, even when she's speaking quickly. i feel this way because for my test, justine, a study abroad grad student, read me the listening section (i listen to her read me a paragraph and i have to answer questions on the test). SHE IS VERY DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND! her accent is very...thick, and i don't mean thick like hard to understand, even though it is, but also thick like maybe full of muccus or something. very gutteral, i think? but her words all blend together and sound nothing like how french words normally sound to me. she also read really quickly at first because she was nervous, and forgets sometimes that I DON'T KNOW FRENCH and that is why i'm at a 101 level class. she is adorable:) it was great listening to her read the directions in english. i think she realized that she didn't need to read that part out loud, but really just wanted to for practice, because she kept asking me if she was pronouncing things correctly. when she was done reading it, she mumbled something about "first try," which i think was to say, either, "look how well i did on my first try!" or "i apologize for my poor reading, i haven't read this before and i don't know much english."
what a boring livejournal entry!