MBTI & Enneagram
MBTI test results
Extroverted (E) 74% Introverted (I) 26%
Intuitive (N) 54.69% Sensing (S) 45.31%
Feeling (F) 56.94% Thinking (T) 43.06%
Perceiving (P) 62.12% Judging (J) 37.88%
Your type is: ENFP
ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 5% of the total population.
Enneagram Test Results
Your surface personality is Type 2w3. Your overall personality is Type 9w1.
Friendly and ambitious. 2w3a are outgoing and focus on their connection with others to maintain their happiness. They have robust personalities and enjoy sharing themselves with others. They can seem theatrical in their displays.
Imaginative and creative. 9w1s are dreamers. Serene, orderly model citicens(?!), they are able to build in their minds a vision for an ideal world but they don't tend to be pro-active enough to make it a reality. They can sleep their lives away.
The Enneagram is a system which divides all human behavior into nine personality divisions. Your main type is whichever of those nine behaviors you use most, in your case Type 2w3. Your mean type, Type 9w1, is who you are on average, based on the sum influence of all nine behaviors.
Most Enneagram books and tests focus on main type and use an additional "variant" classification (instead of mean type) to account for the influence of all nine behavior types. This is the same thing as mean typing, except instead of 9 delineations, there are only three. Based on your test results your variant is Self Preservational. So when reading other Enneagram books or websites refer to the Type 2w3, Self Preservational variant descriptions.
Big 5 personality test
Extroverted |||||||||||||| 54%
Introverted |||||||||||| 46%
Friendly |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Aggressive |||| 20%
Orderly |||||||||||||| 52%
Disorderly |||||||||||| 48%
Relaxed |||||||||| 36%
Emotional |||||||||||||||| 64%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 70%
Practical |||||| 30%