Mar 21, 2009 13:27
So, I’m getting married in two days. Everything is basically ready apart from polish/waxing the car and preparing the area sitting arrangement.
I’m still nervous and stressed, so much so that my entire upper back is locked up tight. I hope it loosens up a bit before the wedding.
Ilana’s bachelorette party was Thursday night and according to her it was great fun. She painted two people on stage with glow in the dark colors and after her performance proceeded to get royally drunk. So drunk, in fact, that when I asked her in the morning how her party was she replied ‘I don’t know, I don’t remember’.
My bachelor party was a great success as well. I had a karaoke party at my brother’s appt. with some close friends and people came and sang and fun was had by all. Unfortunately, the karaoke guy had to leave at half past midnight which is sad since I could have gone on singing for the rest of night.
I LOVE singing.
At 1200 nis it was a bit expensive for 3.5 hours but it was still worth it. My sister and Gil brought booze and those who wanted to drank some. My brother and Inabl got pizzas so there was no shortage of food or drink. Since my sister and her husband wanted none of the booze to go to waste, they drank a lot of it themselves and got very drunk. Falling off the chairs drunk (good thing they had a designated driver with them). Inbal, my brother’s fiancée, got drunk as well. I drank about three sips of alcohol the entire night and I still have a headache this morning. Oh, and my brother has set a wedding date - he’s getting married on 23.12.09.
I want to thank all of you guys who came to my party and made it the success that it was. I love you guys. If any of you is interested in any of the recordings I got at the end of the evening let me know and I’ll see what I can do, but only after the wedding.
Next stop, Monday - My Wedding Day.
See you all there :)
bachelor party,