"I dont remember drinking 2 litres of gravy"

Jul 19, 2005 04:16

Ahhhhh. Back in black wearing nylon slacks. My trip is over, now I'm back stuck in Victoria with you losers Take my advice, next time you go to sit down for dinner, slash your wrists instead.

Just got back from pissing around alberta and stuff, it was muthafuckin tizight...Oh snap, my brother and I were in kamloops and we found this bar called "Max"...Well this bar was muthafuckin tizight, they sold a glass of beer for A DOLLAR!! Pints for 2. The beer sucked, but I mean, you give em 5 bones and he lays you out 5 sleeves of beer, it was insane. While we were there I saw these 2 girls sitting at a table, both very attractive. I was planning on going up there and telling the saddest joke I could dish out, when I was blind sided by one of them. While I was getting my beer, one came up to me and said "Hey, I'm not phsycho or anything, and my friends are to pussy to come with me, but I've got to tell you, you've got gorgeouse hair". Smurf yeah, hair 2, GHB 6(Its catching up). I spent the whole evening talking with this girl and my brother talked to her friend, man were they cool...Hahahah, but that didn't last seeings how we left kamloops at 6 the next morning, so to fuck ass with this story.

In edmonton We visited my Aunty Anny and Uncle Dave...Oh man...My Uncle dave showed us his gun collection....Oh snap...Then he let us fire off some of his guns.

The Mark 2 Ruger, a 38 smith and wesson webler, and for the grand finally...I know Jo will know this one: What gun does Dirty Harry use? Thats right, the .357 Magnum...Ohhhh boy, that gun was intense, this thing had a hair trigger too...I'm aiming at the target when all of a sudden I see a cloud of smoke, I cant hear anything escept for ringing, and my balls seemed to have crawled up into my stomach. Man oh man, guns are badass.

Anyways, needless to say its killer being back in Victoria, even if you guys are a bunch of inbreds who dont put out...Man, I put out like its recycling day..OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Yeah, Fuck ya'll, bitches

-Jackie Chan
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