Apr 30, 2005 12:36
Last night went with Cicely and saw Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. I gotta say I wasnt; hyped to see it..And afterwards, I wasn't hyped about seeing it. It was so so. I think you saw tits at one part, but I didn't sleep the night before so it could just be the porn I downloaded earlier wrapping itself around my everyday memories...Atleast it made breakfast a whole new meaning...Of course now I probably wont be able to have an erection ever again in my life...Or look at my mother the same way...
Anyways thats beside the point...If I had a magic galaxy book or whatever the fuck you want to call it, why didn't he look up some tits or something? Humans...Pffft, you all baffle me.
Anyways afterwards Cicely and I went back to her palace of love and watched some return of the jedi...Fuckin good movie...Why do I like hanging out with her? It probably has to do with the fact that she challenges everything I say...It pisses me off, yet, I cant take my eyes off her tits...Muahahah, oh me, such a comedian.
I just saw a commercial for legally blonde 2: red white and blonde...Fuck me, somebody please come over to my house and stab me in the dick with a pencil...How does garbage like that even make it to theatres? What the fuck types of people go see those movies? Are the just sitting around thinking "No one gets me..I like pink..I am a beautifull butterfly amongst a population of moths trapped in a lampshade of confusion..I give blowjobs because cosmo says its the best way to brand myself a slut and have guys use my cunt as a welcome matt...Oh wow, legally blonde two, another way to knock off another couple of IQ points, I wonder if J-lo's tits are real".
Why do fat chicks give head?