I am a convert. Haruhism galore!!!!

Aug 06, 2008 16:50

As always, I am late at discovering anime or dorama jems. I have a tendency to reject what everyone is raving about now and try it later when nobody is talking about it anymore.

My latest rave is The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi. yeah I know its like a year ago I think. I was really planning to get the DVD of it from the friendly neighborhood media pirates but all they have are Naruto, Bleach and obscure yaoi series. Seriously, I am shocked that they stock up on so much "hard to medium core" yaoi series.

I am really liking the different layers of the story. It is a harem comedy. It is a sci-fi one. It is something of the Evangelion sort. Also it has philosophical mumbo jumbo.

I am frantically inner debating whether to categorize it as a uniquely polished harem story or something like to a story with akin to "My Sassy Girl" with "cockblockers" thrown into the mix.  It is quite obvious that the Haruhi  is the "Sassy Girl" and Kyon is the reluctant guy that gets dragged into her world.  (Hahaha. I like  that sentence. It  both has significance  in its connotation  and  denotation.  HAHAHAHAHA.)

Different from popular movement, I am really interested in the character of Kyon. He reminds me so much of the Japanese archetype lad /boy that I see so much in Dorama or anime. Also I just got an insight while I was refilling my water bottle that Kyon's characterisation reminds me of the real (as in real life) Japanese guys (meaning the male gender) I've met and their impression to me. HAHAHA.. I do believe that merits another post all together. Hehehe.

Expect me to have other posts about this series... I am totally giddy about it hahahaha. This thing deserves its own tag!!!!!! Hahahaha...

haruhism, anime

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