Post ala not-so-Tweeter style

May 08, 2008 16:42

I  was lazy to compose something cohesive so I imitate  tweets....

It sucks that I do not have Internet connection to use for downloading. There are so many good doramas and anime this spring season. I wish I can watch them all! There are Onsen, Zettai Kareshi, Last Friends, Ryoteki na Kanoujo, Soul Eater and Itazura na Kiss. Well toshokan wars also interest me and the BL animes of these season are also attention grabbers.
The number of people taking their own lives in Japan via the gas method has reached 59. It is so sad. Japan is really the land of copycats (well amongst themselves). When one Japanese person does something, everyone who has the same purpose as the originator will do what he did. In the list of the copycats, there is a young boy who is supposed to be an elememtary student.
Related to the gas deaths, I am awfully afraid of the gas recipe going out of Japan. If some terrorist has got of hold it, it would be really a big disaster. I hope its wholly written in Kanji and Kana so at least there is some difficulty deciphering the text. Especially here in the Phil, people would just mistake it as some foodstuff or egg rotting and then sniff it more, not realizing that I causes instant irreparable brain damage. It is also has no color so its really dangerous.
I already did a post about the last and latest K-drama that I watched. But I cannot seem to find the file. Will put it one of these days. Well it is rather a flame rant/post than a post in favor of the drama.
I saw for the 2nd time in different blogs and in different times about the Hollywood live action adaptation of Avatar: the Last Air Bender. It is gonna be directed by M. Night Shalayman. So I better get the DVD of the whole series first before this gets released.
If you are so lazy translating Japanese into English, the closest but not really correct translation you can get is from excite's text translator. Of that still does not work, use IBM's King of Translation. Well, that one is proprietary technology but its nice that it is installed in my work machine.
I wanna go to Karaoke but my money is depleted. Well, I have not "memorized" some of the new songs I want to sing so it gives me reason to put it off.
I won't go the the company outing even if it is paid for already. I am not a beach person. I would love just to laze around and play with my DS at my own house. It is already as hot as it is inside my room. So going to the beach won't be so much different. Well I'll be scoffed upon by officemates but heck they are not even my teamates anyway so it won't effect me much.
I will be taking a break from Dorama posting. Well its caused by several reasons. One is already said above. Another is I have a DS and it really fulfills my ADHD urges. But maybe I'll do posts about the one's I already watched.

That about ends it.

office, ds, ouendan, dorama, obssessions, movies, japan, anime

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