(no subject)

Apr 03, 2008 17:52

Evangelion is one of the most intriguing series that I have watched in all my years that I am alive. All the allusions to religious terms and heavy use of metaphors enthralled the logic thinking mind of Western audiences. They wanted to know why did the creator put such a reference. Is he saying something? Well, I now I know better. It was just a big fun ride to screw with our heads. However, the inner geek in me still lives on and still wants some answers. I know some of you are aware of the movie "Evagelion 1.0: You are (not) alone". Its the first movie among 3 more that is part of the Gainax called Rebuild Evangelion. Basically, it is Gainax's latest cash sucking scheme for all the otaku in the world.

For all you geeks out there who wanted to make sense of what you think Evangelion is trying to say take a look a this very lengthy article.  Thanks to  Crest-san for doing that what some of us had wanted to do during the undertow of our Evangelion experience. We wanted to substantiate all the symbols and allusions in this series and he did this for us. Though this is not canon, he sure did make a good job at it IMHO.

Well, to be honest, I posted this because I was amused with the fact that I understand what he was saying specially when he wrote about Philosophers and other phenomenological mumbo-jumbo. Ateneo education rocks! I somehow put to good use all those Philosophy classes. Hahahaha

eva, geek love

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