(no subject)

Jul 27, 2009 09:35

Ugh, morning allergies.

Anywho, got my paperwork and cashola filed for my passport. Should have it in 4-6 weeks! I'm pretty stoked, means I get to be an international traveller! Nothing to stop me from seeing the world but...cash. Speaking of which, my passport took a lot more of it than expected. They told me I needed a for reals passport and not the card, which was another small wad, oh and one of my photos fell out and they needed two - another $15. Plus I didn't know it took $25 for them to -mail- the paperwork. All told, I'm broke as a joke - which sucks cause I told Joan I'd lend her some cash but I won't be able to now for another week >< I'm soooo sorry Joan, if you're seeing this - will tet you about it later :(

Saw "The Hangover" with Hollis this week. Damn fine flick, a bit heavy on the gross-out humor in places but otherwise it was a fun ride. The thing is, the movie is definitely a -ride-. I think seeing it again would be like going to a haunted house where you already know all the traps. A few chuckles here and there but the experience will be lacking because you're already prepared for the big scares. It's worth the price of admission though - which was free for me since I was with Hollis who used to work there \o/

Spent most of Sunday raiding...wasn't my initial plan really but I was too tired to go out and got a few requests to help out with things, so I did. I'm sure my parents were bummed they didn't see me Sunday but I just didn't feel like I could move. I have -got- to do something about my energy levels when I'm off work, like I can't function anymore. Like, Friday night I was playing Rock Band with Shane, Anthony, Zack, Scruffy Paul, Patty Mac Mac, and Some Random Dude, and at first I was all into it but by midnight I was gone and sleeping on the couch despite the loud rock band and dog that kept sniffing my ass. Granted I had been up since 6 am that morning but I just can't seem to handle it anymore.
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