After percolating on the musical back burners for a while, my tiny New Wave electro-punk music project with the mysterious name of
YB1 is available worldwide today for digital download at the
BrainBlister Bandcamp Empire! Buy two! The whole album only costs one U.S. dollar, so you could afford an album for each ear to keep your brain warm all winter long!
There are a number of Special Guest stars on
YB1, most notably the artist Lumiko, whose writing and spoken word poetry performance can be heard on the hypnotically long 11-minute track called
Enceladus Made Us (featuring Lumiko).
If you can't handle too much musical weirdness, this recording also features a minimalist easy listening track called
Wee Willie's Winkie that can fit comfortable inside anyone's ear holes. 😅
So give it a try! And if you like the album, please tell your friends! And if you hate the album, please tell your enemies that it's great and share, share, share! (But not too much, please, this isn't Napster! You'll make James Hetfield cry! 😂 )
Thanks for stopping by! Your Surreal pal,
Ken Gage
YB1 album cover art also available as a large fine art poster
YB1 (2024)
Haunted (2023)
Sunrise (2023)
Theories of Causation (2023)
Birdsville (2022)
Friki Music (2022)
Baphometrics (2022)
Waze (2022)
Liminal Dream Pool (2022)
Gibbous (2022)
Traveller (2022)
A Magic Doorway to Mars (2022)
Blue Pulsar (2022)
The Radio Waves Are Inside You (2022)
Galaxy Disc (2022)
Electric Hell: The Best of Ken Gage (2022)
Duality (2022)
Slime (2022)
Omicronica (2022)
Polychromatic: Oblique-II (2021)
Death Rays, Drone Days and Nights on the Abyss (2021)
Monsters (2021)
Tower of Dronos (2021)
Merlin's Donut (2021)
Abstraction (2021)
Ambient 5: Music For Spaceports (2021)
Kaleidoscope (2021)
Electroglaze (2021)
Quantasia (2021)
Digital Nomads (2021)
We're All Memes (2020)
Space King (2020)
Woman at the Gate (2020)
Cloud City (2020)
Man Without a Planet (2020)
Purple Sun (2020)
Music to Saw Bones By (2020)
Many Devils, One Satan (2019)
Slit Wrists and Amber Waves (1995)
Psychic Awakenings (1994)
Ken Gage also produces and performs in the bands
Church of the 9 Candles,
Mr. Free,
Surreal Techno Gnosis,
Giant-Sized Dracula and others.