Dec 20, 2006 12:54
So.... 2nd ESI was today... ESI is Epidural Sterioid Injection Ie Take a huge needle Jam it into my spine and inject steroids into my spinal canal just above my spinal cord. The first one was uneventful, I was sedated fairly well with 3mg of 3mg of Versed and 40mg of propofol. today was suposed to be a repeat, except I woke up in the middle of the needle in my spine and them yelling at me not to move. Searing pain and next thing I know night night again.
So here I am, sore back, headache, normal backpain and not looking forward to the next few nights of work. Doc refilled my Prescriptions. I hope this shit works, but I know it is not muscular, i was stressed out this weekend and the pain was hell (I.e. all MS RELATED) Jester you know exactly what I mean.