first...maybe only knowing me

Mar 20, 2004 18:30

ok so everyone i know has a live journal. and i have a strong desire to be cool too so here i go. my own live journal. although knowing me i'll prolly get bored and never update this thing. and plus, how am i suposed to writng anything interesting in here anyway? all people ever write in these things are the PC versions of whats happening. no one (including me) wants to deal with the repercusions of acually saying what they are thinking. like ok, lets say i had been keeping a live journal back when i was date ann. i would've had a journal entry like this "So things are going ok with ann, but i'm not sure if i really like her. i'm atracted to her but thats not really enough. and plus i say val yesterday and i'm totally still in love with that girl. just seeing her for a secod totally.....floors me. but i know nothing will happen with her so i may as well move on. i guess thats what i'm doing with ann, trying to forget val"
so, ann reads that, not a very good situation. but i really want to give people incite into me. i'm the kind of person that if i ever kept like a real journal, i'd "accidentally" leave in on the table or something hoping that someone would be nosey and read it. so i'll try to be real, but i just don't want people to get mad at me. so if you see your name mentioned and i call you anoying, just think about the last time you were anoyed by you best friend. you still love them right? right!

so yeah, last night my band played with capt. bluebird. i LOVE those guys. totally rock my world. and playing shows with them is extra fun because we get to hangout the whole night too. bonus. but the whole night was kind of a reminder of how old i am too. mike came up to me at one point and was like "dude, so many chicks here think you are cute" and i was like "any of them 18?" "nope" "shoot". it's not that i even have sex or anything, it's just a matter of society and ability to realate. like i dated christie not to long about and it was a blast. i really liked her. but she was 17, and 17 year old girls are NUTS! she wasn't sure what she wanted, if she liked me, or what she was thinking/feeling. and there isn't anything wrong with that. thats how you are at 17. but i'm past that, i know everything about me. i know what i want and how i feel and why i feel it. so needles to say, it didn't work out. maybe someday when she's more together and if she still likes me. i dunno.
anyway, got totally side tracked. rock show. the other bands were pretty crappy. the guts were good for what they are, it's just not really my thing. if i were into old school punk i'm sure they'd be like my favorite band.
I love playing soooo much. i want to do it everyday. the crowd seemed to dig us. bonus. and i digged them. i think i need to move around more on stage though. the whole band does in fact. goals are good to have. so crowd liked us, i had fun, we sounded ok, great show one would think. unless you ask nate. " so nate, how do you think we did" "eh...i was out of tune at one point". whats his problem! everyone messes up, who cares! i was out of tune for the the whole shjow and i don't even have an istument to blame it on. it was still awesome. the dude needs to be way less critical and just have fun.
need to hang out with the cbb kids more often i've desided. we went to the friendly toast and it was lots of fun. i got really bummed when all at once they all left us. so need to contact them durring the week. totally.
props to chuck for once again totally reprasenting his band all alone. i haven't seen justin is forever. but chuck is always there at shows and stuff keping TAE conected to me. i love that kid
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