Dec 23, 2008 11:38
I learned this from watching a handful of romantic comedies in the mists of the past and now from Heroes, and I thought I would pass the useful advice on to you:
If you see the person you are dating embracing another, before you pitch a hissy fit and storm off to destroy the relationship/yourself/the world/whatever, determine whether the embracee is: a) a sibling, parent, or other close family member; b) a friend who has just received bad news; c) a friend who has not just received bad news but would for reasons of their own like a hug; d) someone in need of the Heimlich maneuver; e) ...anything else reasonable. Which covers a lot of ground.
Better yet: do not date people you don't trust to hug other people.
"She's going off to have dinner with someone else! Oh noes! Not--dinner!"
There, just think how much trouble I saved you.
(People who thought Season One of Heroes was good: really? Really? Trite RomCom Maneuver Number Three? This is the good stuff? What's Sylar going to do next, hire a band to sing off-key under Claire's window?)
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