So Oswald had his window broken and stereo stolen (again). This means I get to spend my Friday filing a police report, calling the insurance company, and finding a place that will replace my window sometime sooner than Monday afternoon. Oh, and I guess I need a new radio, too, since this time I don't have a really nice friend with an extra in-dash car stereo laying around (thanks again, Dolan, but I guess this one was just on loan?)
This is how my morning started out. Poor Oswald probably never saw it coming.
I totally wouldn't be sweeping up all that glass if this hadn't happened someplace I might have to park in the future. At least it wasn't raining at the time, because it was pouring last night.
On the up-side: look how pretty the shattered glass "pebbles" are. They never look that aquamarine color when they're in window shape.
Weirdly I'm not mad about this. More surprised that it happened in my neighborhood and to my car (it's a pretty low end stereo to bother smashing a window for). I do wish I had the money to replace the glass and radio myself, however. I feel bad having to ask my parents for even more help than I already receive, especially with expensive things like this.
Oh, well.