Nov 29, 2012 19:09
I've been with sprint for,, wow I cant remember . Long time./ part of the nextel transfer .
I had a Windows mobile 6.5 TP2 ,
I was holding off ,not wanting to pay the excessive rates for the new stuff ./
it was a standoff . I liked my 39.99 plan with unlimited data , but not allowed to move to a modern smart phone unless I changed to a new plan.
A few weeks ago I decided to take the plunge , their 450 plan with unlimited data extra fees , charges and the 10$ premium data fee.
the phone was awesome . Motorola PhotonQ 4G LTE even ! sales associate said we would have LTE in less than a year , and the new phone would connect to the 3G network better than my old TP2 . ( silly me for believing this )
BUT sprint's own maps still claim my area it 3G .
The phone even said 3G on it's display ..
Then it matches the virgin mobile map with 1X coverage very sparse .
I can understand they wouldnt want people to know the Real coverage ( or lack of )
seems like false advertising to me but ...
speeds were painfully slow , I went into the internal menu and it says 1X RTT . The display on the front still says 3G ! they can make a phone lie too ! :)
on day 12 I finally decided enough with Americas slowest network and returned the phone .
BUT the 14 day 100% satisfaction Guarantee is only for phones purchased , you still have to pay the activation fee , month of service & admon fees , taxes surcharges restocking fee , basically it's a $130 test drive in the end.
studying sprints maps I can see the sneaky way they sorta almost claim 3G in areas they don't have it .
Go to their map and look at Erie Pa , it Looks like they have 3G coverage from Ohio to NY , all dark purple .
Sprint 3G & more they call it ,
Hit the Filter coverage by Sprint 3G & more for more info and POOF ! magically no more 3G !! So why was I paying a $10. premium data fee for 1X ???
One of my communications with tech finally revealed they have no plans to Improve the network in this area anytime in the future , 3G or 4G , (sales person lied :P )
So I am now waiting for my new phone from AT&T .
I figure if I am going to pay a premium for data & service I Should get the service to match instead of excuses .
sprint wanted me to use an airave in home but what about outside ?? no service means no service ..
Good Bye Sprint , I Really don't think you can catch up with how far you are behind